Mud Therapy in Ayurveda

Mud Therapy in Ayurveda

An Introduction to Mud Therapy-

According to Ayurveda, our body is composed of Pancha Mahabhuta or the five basic elements- Earth, Fire, Sky, Water, and Air. Out of these five elements , mud or Earth is one such element that emphasizes  great health benefits and plays a vital role in bringing about many positive effects on health. Mud helps in absorbing toxins from the body and thus, preventing the human body from several ailments. It consists of some amazing healing properties as well.  Mud Therapy can also be termed Panch Bhautik Chikitsa in Ayurveda. Prithvi Chikitsa or Mud Therapy is one of the very effective and simple ways of treatment which includes Mud Packs and Mud Baths.

What is Mud Therapy?

This is an old therapy and people have been using it for a long time now. This treatment helps cure many ailments. It is gaining great popularity due to the benefits that it offers. This therapy greatly helps in the detoxification of your body and rejuvenation of your skin by removing all the dead cells and restoring the pH balance.

The mud used in the therapy is taken almost 120cm to 150cm beneath the Earth or ground and is made free from any contamination or pollutants. Any pebble, decomposed matter, or impurity is first extracted from this mud. Then, to prevent all the minerals present in it, it is exposed to sunlight. If sunlight is not available in that area then they heat it artificially up to 50 degree Celsius.

Different Types of Muds for Therapy-

Several different types of Muds are made use of in this therapy. Let’s have a look at them:

  1. Fango Mud-

It comes from thermal hot springs and is used for alleviating sore muscles, relaxing the body, and softening the skin.

  1. Brine Mud or Mud from the Dead Sea

It comes from the Dead Sea or Salt water bodies. It consists of properties that are used in healing skin, making it more shiny, soft and clean. It also improves blood circulation which leads to glowing skin.

  1. Black Mud

It comes from greasy soil that can hold water for a long time and is rich in minerals. That is why it retains moisture for a long time.

  1. Moor Mud-

It comes from the organic residues of herbs, flowers, and grasses. This is an organic waste that is transformed into a fine paste which is converted into easily absorbed mud by the human body. It helps greatly in nourishing and beautifying human body with the help of its anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

Mud According to Ayurveda-

According to Ayurveda, the Mud corresponds to Prithvi or Earth, one of the elements of the Panchmahabhutas. It also relates to ancient wisdom of the universe in rejuvenating health and curing sickness in the body.

Properties of Mud-

A few important properties of mud are as follows:

  • High absorbing power
  • High stimulating capacity
  • Cicatrizing action
  • Antimicrobial effect

Benefits of Mud-

A few important benefits of mud are as follows:

  • Mud always gives a very refreshing and cooling effect to the body.
  • It gives a very vitalizing and invigorating effect on the body.
  • It helps in regulating the metabolism.
  • It improves blood circulation.
  • Its effect is anti-aging and anti-inflammatory.
  • It helps in relaxing the body’s muscles.
  • It relieves pain and swelling in the body.
  • It absorbs and dilutes toxic substances from the body and helps in their elimination.

Types of Mud Therapy-

  • Mud Pack
  • Mud Bath

Mud Pack-

Soak the mud in a very thin muslin cloth and then apply it to the body. Keep it 20-30 minutes after application. This will keep the body cool and help in the retention of moisture. This further helps in the elimination of morbid matter from the skin, drawing blood to the surface, relaxing the skin pores, and finally promoting heat radiation on the skin. Experts apply mud to only selective body parts and not to the whole body.

Mud Bath-

You need to apply mud to the whole of your body, while you need to be in a sitting or a lying posture. In a Mud bath, you apply mud to the larger part of your bod,y unlike a Mud pack. Spread the paste on a sheet and wrap it around the body. After which you need to take a hot water bath and then a cold shower.  This helps in re-energizing your skin tissues and improving your blood circulation.

How does it work?

In this Mud Therapy, the expert makes a paste out of the mud. He then applies the paste to the body.  This therapy is always performed under an open roof. It is then left to dry under the sun for around 20 minutes to 1 hour.  You may be wrapped in stripes of clothes to prevent heat dispersion.  To remove the pack they sprinkle some water over it and the mud is scrubbed off the skin. After which they ask you to take a warm water bath followed by a cold shower simply for some therapeutic effects. No soap is to be used in this.

Benefits of Mud Therapy-

Let’s have a look at the various benefits of Mud Therapy :

  1. Improves Skin-

The skin starts looking very clear after the dead skin gets removed. You will notice a sea change after the application of Mud on your skin. According to Ayurveda, it helps in controlling the effects of Pitta. The therapy extracts all the harmful toxins from the body through the pores and helps in the detoxification of the skin. The skin starts looking shiny and healthy.

  1. Helps in Digestion-

The application of mud on the abdomen region greatly helps the digestive system with problems such as acidity, stomach ache, and constipation. It helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles and boosts metabolism by absorbing intestinal heat.

  1. Helps in Joint and Muscle Pains-

Application of mud on your body greatly reduces Pre-arthritis, arthritis, muscle swelling, joint pains, and gout. It also brings about flexibility and easy movement in your body.

  1. Removes the problem of Headaches and Stress-

Application of mud on your head is a great and the most relishing experience. It helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and gives very sound sleep. Most of the experts prescribe this therapy to patients who are suffering from Post-traumatic Paralysis, Sciatica, and Epilepsy, etc.

  1. Reduces Eye- Problems-

The application of Mud therapy greatly reduces stress in your eyes and enhances your vision. It brings relief to eye problems such as eye allergies, eye infections, and conjunctivitis, etc. this is a great advantage to the youth who spends a lot of their time in front of the screen.

Other Benefits of Mud Therapy-

  • Moisturizes the body to a great extent.
  • Reduces spots and patches of the skin.
  • Tones the skin
  • Helps in excreting toxins and increases the ability to perspire.
  • Opens clogged pores of the skin.
  • Enhances collagen production in the skin.

Who should avoid Mud Therapy?

All those people who are suffering from cold, cough, flu, and sinus should avoid it at that time. Women during their period should definitely avoid it and people who have undergone any kind of surgery should talk about it to their respective doctors for consultation.


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