Top Spa Resorts in Bangalore

As the story goes, it seems like our ancestors in ancient India were no different from us in their need for a break from the daily grind. Although, they did not have spas like the top spa resorts in Bangalore like we so, but back in the day, they also didn’t have fancy vacation packages or Instagram-worthy destinations to choose […]

5 Must Visit Ayurvedic & Spa Resorts in India

Debility or exhaustion is a well-known reality that plagues many people in various professions. It’s like trying to climb a steep mountain with a heavy backpack on your shoulders. The constant stress, pressure, and lack of sleep can leave you feeling exhausted and drained, like you’ve been carrying a heavy load all day. A trip to a spa resort in […]

Natural Remedies for Common Health Issues

As he strolled through Bangalore’s hectic streets, the incessant din of traffic and people started to wear on Ashok’s nerves and muscles. He had the typical stress-related health concerns including headaches, sleeplessness, and gastrointestinal disorders. Let’s be honest: when confronted with yet another traffic congestion, who among us hasn’t felt like screaming at the top of their lungs? or just wonder […]

Why You Should Start Eating Organic Food?

Introduction The time has finally come! The whole gang! Trying to get out of the quagmire we’ve dug for ourselves. The bottomless pit we’ve fallen into because of our inability to change our diets. The occupations we have are certainly not conducive to eating well or eating on time, let alone eating organic food. That’s because a part of maintaining […]

The Power of Silence: A Guide

Introduction and History There is no better power than the power of silence. In this day and age, we have forgotten how strong a tool it was for mankind. We go to medication centres nowadays or nearby resorts in Bangalore in search of some much-needed quiet. Silence has a long history as a concept, protest, way of life, and punishment. […]

23 Things to do in 2023 to stay Healthy

Starting off the new year on a healthy note is a great way to set the tone for the rest of the year. If you’re looking to make a change in your health and wellness routine, consider doing these 23 things to start 2023 on a healthy note. First things first, let’s define what we mean by “healthy.” While everyone’s […]